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Free online resources
Consult these directories and use other free and practical resources to learn about the different types of financing available, determine the one that best suits your needs and get tips on how to effectively prepare your application for financing.
Directory – Financing by business sectors
Discover the main financing programs available by business sectors.
Directory – Equity investments
You could be able to attract equity investments to carry out your start-up, expansion or innovation projects.
Directory – Grants, contributions and financial assistance
You could benefit from public or private funds in the form of grants, contributions and financial assistance to carry out your business project.
Directory – Loan garantees
A government-backed loan guarantee could help you attract creditors.
Directory – Loans and cash advances
Explore these loans and other borrowing possibilities for your new or existing business.
Directory – Support programs and services
You could benefit from non-financial resources to succeed in your business venture.
Directory – Tax refunds and credits
Tax refunds and credits can help reduce your overhead costs.
Directory – Wage subsidies
These wage subsidy programs could help you recruit the ideal employee for your project.
Finance a patent, a license or a new technology
You could receive financial support to get a patent or a license, or apply a new technology.
Finance pollution reduction or increased energy efficiency
You could get financial support to reduce pollution or increase your energy efficiency.
Finance the hiring and training of employees
Discover the main financing programs available to hire and train your employees.
Finance the implementation of safety or quality control standards
You could receive financing for the implementation of safety or quality control standards.
Finance the purchase, lease or modernization of goods or equipment
Consult this directory of the main funding programs available for the purchase, lease or modernization of goods or equipment.
Finance the sale or closing of your business
Find the main financing programs available to help you sell or close your business.
Finance your R&D/innovation
You could carry out your R & D / innovation projects by using these financing programs.
Finance your business transfer
See where to find financing to help you succeed in transferring your business.
Finance your exports
See what are the main financing programs available to support your export projects.
Finance your marketing
Review the list of the main financing programs available to market your products and services.
Finance your productivity
Increasing the productivity of your business could be made possible through these financing programs.
Finance your sales growth in Canada
Explore the financial resources available to help you increase your sales in Canada.
Finance your startup
You could take advantage of these financing programs to start your business.
Finance your sustainable development projects
You could receive financial assistance to carry out a sustainable development project within your company.
Finance your working capital
You could use these financing programs to increase your working capital.
Financing programs for recruitment and employability in the construction industry
Discover the main financing programs available for hiring and training employees in the construction sector.
Directory – Contests and grants
Enter contests to finance and promote your project, grow your business, meet experts and mentors, network, and more.
Directory – Accelerators and incubators
Incubators and accelerators offer various forms of support that can contribute to the success of your business start-up or growth project.
Le financement participatif – Législation (in French only)
There are two types of crowdfunding. Find out about the legislation governing each of them.
How to get a business loan
Get tips on applying for a loan — what to include in your proposal, what bankers look for, common terms, and more.
Startup Radar
Use this tool to better navigate Montréal's startup ecosystem.
BDC Business loan calculator
Calculate how much a loan will cost your business, and print a complete loan amortization schedule.