The referral services on government programs and support resources, and market information services for future entrepreneurs and small businesses are now delivered directly by Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions' Business Information Services.
Content on this site is no longer updated.
Free online resources
Discover our free and practical tools to learn about funding and training programs for starting a business as well as the organizations that can help you start your project on the right foot.
Info-Guide – Before starting your business
Before you start a business, you must first determine if you have the makings of an entrepreneur and what are your chances of success.
Info-Guide – Starting your business
Want to be your own boss? This Info-Guide will help you plan for a successful start to your entrepreneurship journey.
Info-Guide – Write your business plan
Know what elements are considered essential in any business plan and the key points that should be included in each section of your plan.
Info-Guide – Before starting your business
Before you start a business, you must first determine if you have the makings of an entrepreneur and what are your chances of success.
Info-Guide – Starting your business
Want to be your own boss? This Info-Guide will help you plan for a successful start to your entrepreneurship journey.
Info-Guide – Write your business plan
Know what elements are considered essential in any business plan and the key points that should be included in each section of your plan.
Directory – Contests and grants
Enter contests to finance and promote your project, grow your business, meet experts and mentors, network, and more.
Directory – Support programs and services
You could benefit from non-financial resources to succeed in your business venture.
Finance your startup
You could take advantage of these financing programs to start your business.
Start-up training
Find a training program to create a start-up or understand the basics of starting a business.
Business structure: which one is right for you?
Examine the four types of business structures in order to choose the one that best suits your needs.
Determining your profit
Learn how to determine your income and expenses and calculate your profit.
Managing a family owned business
Learn about the common problems that can occur in a family owned business and how to resolve them.
Learn how to negotiate with suppliers, distributors and customers.
Boussole entrepreneuriale (in French only)
Start an initial reflection on the business model that best suits your values and your projects.
Checklist for profit watching
Use these questions and comments to analyze your profits, their sufficiency and trend, and determine how each product or service is profitable.
Guide Localisation écoresponsable des bureaux [PDF](in French only)
Use these practical sheets to choose a location with high added value in an environmentally responsible way.
Localisation écoresponsable des bureaux (in French only)
Evaluate online for free the eco-responsibility index for the location of existing premises or building sites in order to select the best location for your company.
New farm establishments (in French only)
Do you want to start an agriculture and agri-food business in Quebec? Access a wide range of information to help you with your business project.
Startup Radar
Use this tool to better navigate Montréal's startup ecosystem.
Localisation écoresponsable des bureaux (in French only)
Evaluate online for free the eco-responsibility index for the location of existing premises or building sites in order to select the best location for your company.
Startup Radar
Use this tool to better navigate Montréal's startup ecosystem.
Guide Localisation écoresponsable des bureaux [PDF](in French only)
Use these practical sheets to choose a location with high added value in an environmentally responsible way.
New farm establishments (in French only)
Do you want to start an agriculture and agri-food business in Quebec? Access a wide range of information to help you with your business project.